Friday, June 10, 2011

June 12th Glenelm Neighbourhood Meeting Agenda

Glenelm Neighbourhood Planning Meeting
Sunday, June 12th, 2011
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Glenelm School Gym
96 Carmen Avenue

Meeting Objective:
To receive input and guidance on the concerns and priorities
of Glenelm residents and businesses in order to
launch work on a neighbourhood plan

1.      Welcome -                                                  Cath McFarlane, Facilitator
Þ    Housekeeping notes                             River East Neighbourhood Network
Þ    Introductions

2.      Overview of activities to date                Gerry Ruchkall
Þ    Highlights on reverse page                   Interim Co-chair, GENA

3.      Facilitated large group discussion
Þ    What do you like about Glenelm?
Þ    What are your concerns / where do you see challenges?
Þ    If this were a perfect world, what would Glenelm look like in 5 years?

4.      Small group discussion
Based on the large group discussion:
Þ    What are your ideas for improving Glenelm?
Þ    What are the top three ideas? (note on flip chart)
Þ    How could we achieve them? (note on flip chart)

5.      Report back to large group
Þ    Spokesperson from each group highlights the project ideas

6.  Wrap up / concluding remarks           Cath McFarlane
Þ    Key themes
Þ    Next steps
o       Reporting back
o       Neighbourhood survey
o       Next neighbourhood meeting: 3rd or 4th week of September
Þ    Objective: Report back on survey results, share a draft report and develop an action plan

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